Watch two stories free online inside the Puppet Castle!
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The Lost Sheep
Big Al and Homer tell how God loves lost sinners, and how He sent the "Good Sheperd", the Lord Jesus to save us all.
Naaman the Leper
Phil the Frog and Jack the Rabbit share the good news of how the blood of Jesus washes away sin, and how important it is to tell others about it.
Jonah and the Whale
Big Al and Homer address our sin, its penalty, and the salvation we get when we turn from sin to Christ.
David and Goliath
Big Blue and Jack teach us that like David, we can have victory over Satan and sin in our lives through the power of God.
Samuel's Call
Big Al and Homer teach how important it is to listen to God's voice and obey His Word.
The Philippian Jailer
Jesse and How Long tell what a person must do to be saved, and how being a faithful witness for Christ can lead to the salvation of others.
Feeding Five Thousand
Big Al and Homer tell how God is able to do great things with those who give all to Him.
Three Hebrews
Jesse and Howie teach how hard it can be to stand faithfully for God, and how He blesses those who obey him no matter what the cost.